Janis Zabers II International Vocal Competition is closed

The Jānis Zābers II International Vocalist Competition, which was opened on September 13, was closed at the VEF Culture Palace on September 17, 2022 at 12:30 pm. Vocalists from eight different countries aged between 13 and 34 applied in three different categories:

  • students of children’s music schools,
  • high school, college and music university students,
  • graduate singers.

The jury of the competition, consisting of Irina Gavrilovici, Inga Kalna, Ieva Parša, Normunds Vaicis and Edgars Kramiņš, nominated nine participants for the final of the competition, and each performance was special.

13-year-old Germans Miroņenko from Babīte Music School was nominated as the youngest participant of the competition. On the other hand, Inna Safronova from Russia received a diploma for “Best performance of a Latvian song by a foreign participant”, Adam Nádler from Slovakia received a diploma for “Best vocal chamber music performance”, and Ella Elīza Viļumsone from Latvia received a diploma for “Best performance of children’s songs by Arvīds Žilinskis”.

Although the jury did not award the first place this year, the second place was shared by Inna Safronova from Russia and Adam Nádler from Slovakia, while the third place was won by Etīna Emīlija Saulīte, a student of the Vocal Academy from Latvia.

Looking forward to seeing you at the Jānis Zābers III International Vocal Competition from September 13 to 17, 2023!